"El cielo se mide por alas" (The sky is measured by wings)
Choreographed and Directed by: Merlin Nyakam
Perfomed by: SPAC-ENFANTS (A dance company of high school students from Shizuoka)
"El cielo se mide por alas" (The sky is measured by wings)
Through a magical encounter with choreographer Merlin Nyakam, originally from Cameroon and now living in Paris, high school students in Shizuoka depict the universe of children, transcending both angels and devils.

VenueOwlspot Theater
Nov. 3 (Sat) 3:00pm
Nov. 4 (Sun) 1:00pm
*Box office opens 60min before. Doors open 15min before. -
Non-verbal(partly in Japanese)
TypeTokyo Festival - Directly Managed Program, Dance, International co production, Enjoy free of charge
Unreserved seatingFree
※車いす席、3歳以上の未就学児との観劇をご希望の方は随時お問い合わせください(東京芸術劇場ボックスオフィス TEL:0570-010-296 [10:00~19:00、休館日を除く] )
▼【Reservations】Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre Box Office
・Phone: +81(0)570-010-296 (10:00am to 7:00pm except on closing days)
・On-line reservation *You can make an on-line reservation only in Japanese.
Major artists
Choreographed and Directed by:Merlin Nyakam
Assistant ChoreographerYu Otagaki, Kennosuke Sagawa
Perfomed by:SPAC-ENFANTS
Yuki Ikegaya, Mao Iwata, Momoka Okamura, Rie Katsumata, Mei Kanamori, Kiri Kaneko, Maiko Suzuki, Maya Nagata, Kazuha Nishide, Ayaka Fushimi, Kaito Miyagishima, Mana Watanabe
Artist Profile

Dancer, singer, actor and choreographer. He joined Cameroon’s National Ballet when he was 14, and two years later became a principal dancer. In 1990, he founded his own company – La Compagnie La Calebasse. He received an “Epi d’Or” and was selected as “Best Dancer” in 1991. He participated in Spring Arts Festival Shizuoka in 2007 and 2008. From 2010 he has choreographed and directed the project SPAC-ENFANTS in Shizuoka.
【What’s the SPAC‐ENFANTS? 】
The “SPAC-ENFANTS PROJECT” is an international cooperative production project welcoming the internationally active French choreographer and dancer, Merlin Nyakam, with the middle teens chosen through auditions from all across Shizuoka prefecture to create a new stage with the concept of “Dance that can give hope for the future back to the children of the world”. With the development of each child’s diverse originality, they have pursued a high quality dance piece whose artistic expression competes with the world.
Media Direction: Taro Nishimoto, Kunihiko Matsuo, Junji Koyanagi
Stage Design (Baobab Tree): Rie Suzuki
Lighting, Lighting & Video Operation, Stage Manager: Masayuki Higuchi
Sound : Shinobu Harada
Costume: Chigusa Sei
Stage : Yoichi Wakamiya
Production: Rie Takabayashi, Ryota Sato
Ticketing: Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre
Tokyo Festival General Director: Satoshi Miyagi
Programmer of Tokyo Festival: Yoshiji Yokoyama
〈 Directly Managed Program 〉
Organizers: Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)
Co-organizer: Owlspot Theater, SPAC - Shizuoka Performing Arts Center
Supported by the Agency for Cultural Affairs Government of Japan in fiscal 2018